Jul 25Liked by Maddy Odom

Thank you for sharing the reality of making such a significant change. We moved our family every few years for our work; albeit not the distance you have but certainly there are similarities regardless. Our kids always adjusted and we made a home wherever we went. They felt the impact more as they got older so that may be of some consolation. We only saw our family once or maybe twice a year sometimes but they remained incredibly close to us. We created incredible friendships in each new town; many of which we remain close to years later. They became our family, came to the kids recitals, birthdays etc. We hope you find solace in knowing it will get better with the acceptance that it will take time. For the hard days in between; eat the cheese, drink the wine and savour the bread😁.

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Thank you for this comment!🤍 You’re right… regardless of the distance, there are many similarities! Happy to hear about your experiences. Makes me feel a little less anxious in this moment🥲 And yes…while we continue to find our footing here, I’ll enjoy the simple pleasures, like all the coffee, cheese and croissants!

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I love that you’re sharing this! We also just made our second international move to Paris only a couple of weeks ago with two littles. And it’s exhausting to say the least. I hope you’re finding your groove here!

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Hi! (I apologize for my late response here!) I hope that you are getting more settled into life here in Paris, and that things are going well! Happy to have connected with someone else navigating a similar transition:)

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Never need to apologize about a late response! Navigating an international move with littles is a Herculean effort

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Jul 24Liked by Maddy Odom

Some good insights on these first few weeks' challenges.

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100%!! I would complain about the metro with a stroller, shopping at 5 different grocery stores for one meal, then carrying home 30 lbs of groceries, and the rain! lol

Ps. we miss you at dance camp... see you in the fall

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